Applied Health Informatics

Your resources for all things health informatics. We provide consulting, training, and education for health informatic professionals.

Resources and Services

Applied Health Informatics offers various free and paid services to help you with Health Informatics related projects and career development.

Data Discover Tool

Find DCAT compliant data from the CDC, CMS, and more to help with your informatics projects.

Book: Data Science

Data Science for Health Informaticists: A free book to help you learn the basics of data science within healthcare.

Education and Training

Get the skills you need to land a job thats in demand or keep the one you have and level up.

Long Island SDoH Resources

For hospitals and health systems on Long Island, we provide a list of resources to help address SDoH needs.

Resume Builder

Build a informatics resume that highlights skills and experience based on your job type.

NY State Smoke Free API

Developed API resource for hospital systems to programatically pull in data from the NY State Smoke Free portal.

Practicum Matching

Help pair students with preceptors/sites based on mutual interests and needs.

Pay Compensation Tool

Service to help students and health informatcists determine fair compensation for work performed

Applied Health Informatics also has a blog where you can learn about industry trends and our perspective on the future of work.

Proudly Supporting Health Informaticists

AHI provides tools and resources to support current and next generaiton health informaticists.